Tuesday 9 November 2010

Lip Sycning

After alot of discussion we have decided that the best song to do would be "Mr Brightside" by "The Killers".
We came to this decission because we thought, 1) it's not hard to sing because its not too fast, its alost spoken in the verses, 2) it's not too long, 3) it doesn't have too many instrumental passages, but enough for us to dance around to, and 4) it's a brilliant song that every body knows.
Here is the original video and as you can see, it's mainly made up for different lip syncinh shots:

Originally we thought it would be a cool and original idea to do "Zzzonked" by "Enter Shikari" just becaus it's so ridiculously intesnse, but the sheer passion in the singers shouting/singing, would make it extremely difficult to pull of!

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